Then in November of 2001, a faded and water-damaged bundle was discovered among a stack of old packages during one of those general decontamination purges that so often follows a mail scare. Other than a sheaf of ramblings delivered to Modest Mouse’s singer Isaac Brock in the summer of 1999 that then inspired that band’s The Moon and Antarctica nothing had been heard from Casanova in years and those that still thought of him grew fewer. Predictably, immediately after he had done so, he disappeared. By the end of Modest Mouse’s tour, Casano- va, with much reluctance, was persuaded to record some of these songs and hand them over to record labels for issue as singles or parts of compilations. Or, possibly, it is a mysterious savant named Edgar Graham, who imposed himself on Modest Mouse at the Denver show of the band’s 1998 tour, introduced himself as Ugly Casanova, and, through a haze of unnerving instability, shared some rough songs with the band. Ugly Casanova is Isaac Brock, of Modest Mouse. It does come with a digital download (available on your your Mega Mart account page) that includes those additional songs. The CD that is available is not a reissue, and as such does not include the 4 additional tracks. *LOSER EDITION IS SOLD OUT (updated 11/2/15 - 9:52 am)- This 2015 LP reissue of the Ugly Casanova album (originally released May 21, 2002) comes with 4-bonus tracks.